Advisor to the Minister of information policy of Ukraine Dmytro Zolotukhin will hold a training on information intelligence and OSINT techniques
Training will take place in the framework of the OSINT Academy project, which aims to teach everyone to use the latest OSINT techniques (OpenSourceIntelligence) to protect themselves and the citizens of Ukraine from information manipulations from both the external and the internal enemy. Knowledge gained at training will facilitate the creation of a public-important content, including about corrupt officials, politicians, candidates for elected office, as well as to recognize “fake” and false information of the separate media and the like.
In total, 21 training in 19 cities of Ukraine for more than 800 participants were held in the framework of the project. Training in Khmelnytskyi, is organized with the support of the Legal clinic of the Khmelnytskyi University of management and law and public organization “Khmelnytskyi initiative”, which seeks to promote democratic values in politics and governance, in particular by increasing transparency in the activity of authorities of Khmelnytskyi region.
Start: 5 July 2016 16:00 pm (end at approximately 20:00 pm)
Address: Khmelnytskyi, Proskurovska str, 57, 4 building of the Khmelnytskyi University of management and law, room 201.
The training is FREE
You can find the program of the training here.
Registration is required –
Coach and project leader is Dmytro Zolotukhin, Advisor of MIP of Ukraine, director of the Institute of post-information society, an independent expert on the issues of information warfare and competitive intelligence.