9 June at 15.30 pm, the presentation of the research “Analysis of Ukrainians’ public opinion survey in the occupied Crimea: the essential support and preferred methods of communication with the Homeland”. (Hall 1)
Organizer: the Ministry of information policy of Ukraine.
The event will be attended by: Emine Dzhaparova – First Deputy Minister of information policy; Borys Khodorkovsky – the study’s author, expert on social and business communications, media coach, founder of the “Netocrat Communications”, editor in chief of the “Odessa Business News”; Yulia Tyshchenko – the expert of the Ukrainian center for independent political research, a political analyst; Anastasia Borovska – chief consultant of information security and information society development department of the National Institute for strategic studies.
“Ukrinform” address: B. Khmelnytskoho Str., 8/16 (metro station “Teatralna”)
Contact phones: (044) 279-20-60, 279-00-05
Entrance on official ID and NUJU cards.