Media representatives are welcome to attend a press conference dedicated to the presentation of Canadian film production “Bitter harvest”, which will take place on November 25 at 12:00 in the cinema “Oscar”, shopping mall “GULLIVER”. At the presentation, the press will be able to watch exclusive video materials and ask questions to the filmmakers and honored guests.
The film “Bitter harvest” will be presented by producer Yan Ihnatovich (Canada). The press event will be held with the participation of the First Lady Maryna Poroshenko, the First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Stepan Kubiv, the Minister of Culture Yevhen Nyshcuk. The speakers at the press conference are director George Mendeluk (Canada), doctor of historical Sciences, director of the Ukrainian Holodomor Research and Education Consortium (HREC in Ukraine) Lyudmyla Hrinevych, actor Oleksandr Pecherytsia, general director of the company B & H film distribution Bohdan Batrukh.
The premiere of the film “Bitter harvest” is scheduled for February 23, 2017.
Form for accreditation to the press conference
Accreditation is available till 12:00 on November 24.
Contact for media:
Victoria Murovana
PR coordinator
B & H Film Distribution
+38 044 490 70 66
+38 096 386 48 71