20 September, a press conference on the theme: “Coordinating press center in the framework of the concept of the IDPs’ information reintegration strategy” will take place at 11.00. (Hall 1)
Organizer: the Ministry of information policy of Ukraine.
Participants: Emine Dzhaparova – the First Deputy Minister of information policy of Ukraine; Ivetta Delikatnaya – Advisor to the Minister on the implementation of the “Open government” program; Olena Ivanova – an expert on the reform support of social sector in Ukraine.
Questions for discussion:
1. Establishment, development and launch of the coordinating press center website.
2. Integration with existing social networks and hotlines.
3. Funding and further support of the project.
4. Creation of a content team and search for a content manager.
“Ukrinform” address : 8/16 B. Khmelnytsky Street, (subway station “Teatralna”)
Telephone: (044) 279-20-60, 279-00-05
Entrance on official ID and NUJU cards.