Field of activity: Libraries and book publishing

Over 300 books and 31 publishers: The Ukrainian stand in the spotlight at the Frankfurt Book Fair

The Return of the Voice: Ukraine’s national stand to be presented at the Frankfurt Book Fair

The Return of the Voice: Ukraine’s national stand to be presented at the Frankfurt Book Fair

In Kyiv, the All-Ukrainian Forum “Culture During War: Human Capital” has begun

We Do Not Want the UN Charter to Be Burnt Down Just Like These Books – Address by the President of Ukraine to the World Leaders on the Eve of the Peace Summit

We Do Not Want the UN Charter to Be Burnt Down Just Like These Books – Address by the President of Ukraine to the World Leaders on the Eve of the Peace Summit

Future Perfect: a national project to popularize the English language is starting in Ukraine

Ukraine will showcase a national stand at the Frankfurt Book Fair

Oleksandr Tkachenko addressed the participants of the international conference “Literacy for Democracy”

Ukraine – the Guest of Honor at the Warsaw International Book Fair

The Leipzig Book Fair has started: Ukraine has presented its national stand under the slogan “Sensitive Content”