Press conference "Is it information amnesia? Why Ukrainians are forgetting about the Crimea"
Press conference by Minister Yurii Stets "MIP progress analysis for June 2015"
Briefing on cooperation between the Government of Ukraine and the OSCE institutions
Deputy Minister Tetiana Popova at the first meeting of EU-Ukraine Association Committee in Brussels
Roundtable meeting: "Partnership between Ukraine and Japan in the information sphere"
Press conference in support of information and legal campaign "They would not keep silent"
Discussing on the 2050a bill involving the Deputy Minister Tetiana Popova
Оbilizatsiyasınıñ beşinci ve altıncı dalğalarına bağışlanğan "Şeref, Serbestlik ve Ğalebe"
Public discussion on the Concept of information security of Ukraine
Minister Meets with Representatives of the US National Security Council