Yurii Stets: "All branches of the government have no other choice but to implement the judicial reform by the end of the year"
Advisor to the Minister: "The occupation authorities of Crimea are trying to get rid of the Crimean Tatars"
The Second International Forum on Crimean matters was held as a part of MIP communication campaign
Negative news is dominated in ATO zone – we need to do something with this
Presented of the communication campaign "Crimea is Ukraine"
Advisor to the Minister tells about the intensification of repressions against the Crimean Tatars
Report on renewal of broadcasting in ATO zone in February 2016
Adviser to the Minister: "The blockade has returned Crimea to the top-topics in the media"
Yurii Stets tells where to find the answer for the question "Is the Ukrainian government credible?"
MIP presents information project "Top 5 News about Crimea"