Тип матеріалу: Video

Yuri Stets about ensuring broadcast of ATR

Yuri Stets about ensuring broadcast of ATR

Artem Bidenko about the main objectives of the Expert Council, formed in the MIP

Artem Bidenko about the main objectives of the Expert Council, formed in the MIP

Sergii Kostynskyi Tells About Creation of "Crimea Action Group"

Sergii Kostynskyi Tells About Creation of "Crimea Action Group"

Artem Bidenko , Lydia Resin – above all Ukraine

Artem Bidenko , Lydia Resin – above all Ukraine

Sergey Kostynskyy on freedom of speech in the Crimea in the air "Radio Liberty"

Sergey Kostynskyy on freedom of speech in the Crimea in the air "Radio Liberty"

Yuri Stec: "I create "Ukraine Tomorrow" for a month"

Yuri Stec: "I create "Ukraine Tomorrow" for a month"

Sergey Kostynskyy : " We have moved from the Crimea to work in the interests of Ukraine – return peninsula"

Sergey Kostynskyy : " We have moved from the Crimea to work in the interests of Ukraine – return peninsula"

Tatiana Popova on the activities of the MIP in the area of ATO

Tatiana Popova on the activities of the MIP in the area of ATO

Yvettа Delikatna about information policy on reforms

Yvettа Delikatna about information policy on reforms

Sergiy Kostinsky about іnformation polіcy of AR Krim

Sergiy Kostinsky about іnformation polіcy of AR Krim