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MIP progress analysis for the seventh month of activity Semtember 2015

Co-Chairman of ECMIP Sergii Danylenko: "We are passing to MIP the qualitative draft of the Concept Information Security of Ukraine"

Briefing-report on the results of public discussions of the draft Concept of Information Security of Ukraine

MIP briefing on the draft Concept of Information Security of Ukraine

Tatiana Popova about restoring broadcasting in the East and Crimea

Tetiana Popova during a joint press conference with "Stopterror" on evidences of military intervention of Russia in Ukraine

Deputy Minister in the "NewsOne" telethon on journalists' questions about Ukraine's foreign broadcasting from regions: Rivne, Ivano-Frankivsk, Mariupol, Vinnytsia

Artem Bіdenko about the launch of Multimedia foreign broadcasting platform of Ukraine: plans, capabilities, prospects

Minister Yurii Stets about the accomplishment of the foreign broadcasting reform of Ukraine

Video presentation of "UA TV" foreign broadcasting channel