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Sergii Kostynskyi about the entry problems for journalists to the occupied territories of the Crimea

Press conference on "Human rights activists require to change a new order of entring the Crimea»

Sergii Kostynskyi: "Despite the difficult bureaucratic procedures the Ministry amends legislative acts and achieves the goal of foreign broadcasting channel of Ukraine establishment"

Western Donbas Forum "Recovery through dialogue" in Krasnoarmiysk

Press conference "Is it information amnesia? Why Ukrainians are forgetting about the Crimea"

Dmytro Zolotukhin on the draft Concept of information security of Ukraine

Deputy Minister Tetiana Popova about "Embedded journalism" project

Yurii Stets about creating information broadcasting media platform in Ukraine

Press conference by Minister Yurii Stets "MIP progress analysis for June 2015"

Briefing on cooperation between the Government of Ukraine and the OSCE institutions