1,000,000 hryvnias for AZOV: GUNIA Project and MCIP present a charitable necklace “Scythian Gold”

Events Art

GUNIA Project presents “Scythian Gold” — a necklace with the figures of a deer and a vulture, inspired by the cultural artifacts of the nomadic people. The item was created in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine and the Treasury of the National Museum of History of Ukraine. 100% of the profits from its sales will be donated towards the purchase of EWS for the AZOV brigade, with the total goal of raising 1,000,000 hryvnias by the BGV foundation.

The fundraising aim is to provide our warriors with access to modern electronic protection. EWS helps protect our heroes and lower the number of casualties.

This drop celebrates the return of Scythian and other museum treasures to Ukraine, after their decade-long stay in the Netherlands and legal proceedings with the occupation authorities of Crimea, who claimed part of the collection. The exhibits now will be preserved in the National Museum of History of Ukraine.

The GUNIA Project’s deer silhouette stems from one of the artifacts, namely a deer-shaped vessel handle from the 1st century AD. The Scythians used to adorn tableware with animalistic figurines, believing in their protective power. It was assumed that a deer personifies the earthly component of life, while a bird represents the celestial. Gold carried a special significance for the Scythians, who utilized this precious metal to embellish everyday and ritual objects, warriors’ weapons, and horse gear. The jewelry was opulent and worn in abundance.

The animal figurines by the GUNIA Project are minimalistic and naïve, modern and archaic at the same time. Despite the historical symbolism, everyone can attribute

their own meaning to these postures and turn them into their totem animals. 

Notably, at the Treasury of the National Museum of the History of Ukraine, with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy, the charitable foundation BGV, and the Institute of Public Communications, the Scythian gold collection will be showcased in the exhibition “Treasures of Crimea. Return” from July 5th until the de-occupation of the peninsula.

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