1946 cultural infrastructure objects have suffered damage or destruction due to russian aggression

The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine continues to document the damage to cultural infrastructure objects in Ukraine because of full-scale russian aggression. As of February 25, 2024, 1946 objects of cultural infrastructure (including cultural institutions subordinate to the Ministry and other local self-government bodies) have suffered losses, excluding cultural heritage sites. Among them, 317 (16%) have been completely destroyed.

The overall losses of cultural institutions in state ownership are 28 objects (9%); in communal ownership: 1918 objects (6%).

The cultural infrastructure has suffered the most significant losses and damages in Donetsk, Kharkiv, Kherson, Kyiv, Mykolaiv, Luhansk, and Zaporizhzhia regions, as well as in the city of Kyiv.

The most numerous category of cultural infrastructure objects that have suffered damage or destruction is creative hubs, accounting for 48% of the total number of cultural infrastructure institutions that incurred losses.

In total, the following cultural infrastructure institutions have been affected:

  • Creative hubs: 933
  • Libraries: 695
  • Institutions of art education: 151
  • Museums and galleries: 113
  • Theaters, cinemas, and philharmonics: 38
  • Parks, zoos, reserves: 13
  • Circuses: 3

Cultural infrastructure objects have experienced damage and destruction in 277 territorial communities, which constitutes 18.9% of the total number of territorial communities in Ukraine. Specifically, the impact is notable in the Donetsk (83%), Kharkiv (54%), Sumy (51%), Chernihiv (47%), Luhansk (46%), Mykolaiv (44%), Kherson (43%), Zaporizhzhia (36%), Kyiv (27%), Dnipropetrovsk (19%), Zhytomyr (17%), Khmelnytskyi (17%), Odesa (9%), Cherkasy (6%), Lviv (4%), Vinnytsia (3,2%), Zakarpattia (2%), Kirovohrad (2%), Poltava (2%) regions, and Kyiv city.

It is worth noting that as of the end of February 2024, almost the entire territory of Luhansk and significant parts of the territories of Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, and Donetsk regions are still under temporary occupation. This makes it impossible to calculate the exact number of cultural infrastructure objects that have suffered during the hostilities and occupation.

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