On October 28, 2024, a russian air bomb directly hit and damaged the national architectural monument ‘House of State Industry (Derzhprom)’ in Kharkiv. It is the largest civilian building in the world in the Constructivist style. Since 2017, it has been on UNESCO’s Tentative World Heritage List, and since 2023, it has been included in the International List of Cultural Property Under Enhanced Protection.

Entrances 7, 8, and 9 were the most affected, where the blast wave caused extensive damage to walls, windows, and the roof. Cracks, ceiling sags, and significant floor dampness from impact on heating systems were found in stairwells and rooms.

The inspection revealed that the part of the monument affected by the direct hit and blast wave is in an unsatisfactory, in some places critical, condition. Currently, work is underway to mitigate the consequences of the attack, including emergency measures to preserve the building.

This is the second strike on Derzhprom this year. On January 2, a russian missile hit a building next to Derzhprom, damaging the monument’s stained-glass windows. Nearly the entire northwest section of the facade was affected then.