Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts needs help

The building of the Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts is an architectural monument. It has an artistic and typological value as a vivid example of the architecture of public buildings in the style of “Ukrainian modernism” of the beginning of the 20th century, which largely preserves the authenticity of spatial and stylistic solutions.

Description of the establishment

The monument is the work of the famous architect K. M. Zhukov, an outstanding representative of the Ukrainian architectural modern style. In general, the style of the building follows the traditions of wooden cult construction, such as “Zakopane” roof style, carved columns between windows, trapezoidal doorways, etc.

Interesting Facts

The building was intended to house the city school of drawing and painting (founded in 1896 on the basis of the private drawing school of M.D. Raievska-Ivanova), which was transformed into a city art school in 1912. In 1911, art school teacher M. F. Piskunov drew up a project of a building for the school. After discussion, it was determined to stop at the plan of the building, which was developed by the architect Piskunov, and to hold a competition for the decision for the facades. The client of the competition was the Kharkiv City Council, which set the condition that the facades had to be made in the “Ukrainian style”. The first prize was awarded to the project of K. M. Zhukov. The construction of the building was supervised by the architect M. F. Piskunov.

In 2001, the Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts was established on the basis of the Art and Industrial Institute.


On March 2, the academy building was partially destroyed by shelling of the central part of Kharkiv by russian troops.

Help by donation

You can join the restoration of the monument here.


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