We, the Ministers of Culture gathered in the format of the Lublin Triangle in Cracow, the historical and cultural capital of Poland, strengthened by our joint, friendly deliberations and having found a full agreement based on the community of values and heritage, hereby declare:

 –       to support Ukraine in various international formats to protect its cultural heritage and cultural property through monitoring and damage assessment of cultural heritage, needs assessment of cultural heritage sites, assistance to cultural professionals in the protection of cultural property; to create a traineeship programme for Ukrainian restorers to strengthen the competences of Ukrainian cultural heritage professionals;

 –       to implement knowledge exchange projects to strengthen mutual cooperation in various fields of culture and cultural heritage, strengthening democratic societies, promoting active citizenship, involving local communities and promoting European values;

 –       to provide full support to Ukrainian artists and cultural professionals who create and work in Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine; to create cultural joint projects between young people of our countries; to give Ukrainian artists and cultural professionals the opportunity to tell their stories and introduce their work in Lublin triangle countries and abroad;

 –       to contribute to the sustainable, aesthetic and accessible reconstruction of Ukraine by contributing to the planning of culturally significant urban and architectural reconstruction projects, empowering local communities, and understanding of these as tools to build a new, democratic and sustainable Ukraine with a unique, European cultural traditions;

 –         further efforts to establish the European fund for Ukraine for the protection and reconstruction of the cultural and creative sector in Ukraine.

 Signed in Krakow, on the 23th of May 2023, in three original copies in English.

For the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania

Minister Simonas KAIRYS

For the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Culture and National Heritage Piotr GLIŃSKI

For the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine

Minister Oleksandr TKACHENKO

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