Nations Against Disinformation: A New Creative Tool To Counter Disinformation

Ukraine is uniting the efforts of nations, businesses and civil society around the world to build resilience and counter the spread of disinformation. The first campaign within the new initiative is launched jointly by Ukraine and Estonia, as well as EUvsDisinfo. 

“Nations Against Disinformation” is an initiative to raise awareness about the danger of disinformation and the grave consequences it could have for nations. The partnership within the initiative envisages joint international campaigns and events, conferences, webinars and workshops to share the best practices for countering disinformation and misinformation.

“Ukraine has a unique experience in countering disinformation, formed over the years of fighting Russian propaganda. This is a powerful added value of our country for the entire Euro-Atlantic community and the world. Today, we are already a global leader in this area, uniting states and organizations in countering disinformation that threatens the lives and security of millions of people. The Nations Against Disinformation initiative has brought together a number of like-minded partners for this very purpose and is open to anyone who wants to protect the shared information space, promote media literacy and critical thinking,” said Dmytro Kuleba, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

“Large-scale disinformation campaigns are recognised by the European Union as a major challenge for Europe and require a coordinated response from EU countries, online platforms, news media and all our international partners. This initiative is an excellent example of joining effort and practical cooperation between countries, governments and non-governmental organisations. Together, we demonstrate the value of unity in the face of a global threat of disinformation,” said Matti Maasikas, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine.

Nations Against Disinformation campaign has been initiated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and BRAND UKRAINE, a Ukrainian NGO, focused on building a strong and sustainable brand of Ukraine. The creative idea and technical implementation of the campaign have been developed by [isdgroup]. The campaign is co-funded by the European Union and National Democratic Institute.

The key goals and principles of the partnership within the initiative are presented on the dedicated webpage

Nations Against Disinformation starts with the international communication campaign to promote “The Distortion Test”. The test visualises how disinformation affects the individual’s perception in the long run although this threat is invisible and cannot be detected by any of human senses. 

The campaign is launched in partnership with EUvsDisinfo, the flagship awareness raising project of the European External Action Service’s East StratCom Task Force, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia, the Government Office of Estonia, the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, and Propastop NGO (Estonia).

“The Distortion Test” is available in English to readers worldwide on the campaign’s website. Users can share their test results and a link to the test through personal social media pages on Facebook. The test can be adapted into other languages for different countries in the future to fit into the local context and demonstrate an inclusive, collaborative approach to addressing disinformation around the world. Organisations and initiatives that want to be part of the movement are welcomed to join the campaign. For the details of cooperation, you can get in touch with the project team via the website’s contact information.

How does the online “The Distortion Test” work?

The online reader is asked to select and upload any kind of personal image to start the test. Then the reader will answer seven questions about a few recent disinformation attacks that have occurred in different places around the globe. As the result of each correct or incorrect answer based on his/her knowledge, the reader will be able to see a gradual distortion of the uploaded image, as a showcase of every small piece of fake information distorts our day-to-day reality.  

Expert support for the campaign, have been provided by Ukrainian organisations: Civil Network OPORAStopFakeUkraineWorld“We are Ukraine” (WAU) MediaNotaYenota, and “On the other side of Putin’s lies”

Background Information

BRAND UKRAINE is a non-governmental organisation that brings together like-minded people and experts in strategic communications and international projects. The organisation helps develop a strong and sustainable brand of Ukraine in the world, from its positive image and agency by developing lovemark projects and campaigns, digital solutions, and analytical products.

National Democratic Institute is a non-profit, non-partisan, non-governmental organisation that works in partnership around the world to strengthen and safeguard democratic institutions, processes, norms and values to secure a better quality of life for all. NDI envisions a world where democracy and freedom prevail, with dignity for all.

[isdgroup] is a Ukrainian communications agency that has been working on social projects since the Revolution of Dignity, such as anti-war initiatives, reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories, and support for reforms. The agency won a Cannes Lions award for its project against Russian propaganda.

For additional information and interview requests, don’t hesitate to contact [email protected].

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