
  • Destruction of cultural infrastructure
  • Events
  • Save Ukrainian culture
  • Події
Areas of activity
  • Art
  • Art education
  • Creative industries
  • Cultural heritage
  • Information policy and security
  • International cooperation
  • Libraries and book publishing
  • Religion and national minorities
  • State language policy
  • Strategic planning

“Protection and Monitoring of Immovable Heritage in Ukraine”: A UNESCO-certified training took place in Kyiv

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy (MCIP) plan to collaborate on the restoration of cultural infrastructure

UNESCO establishes Recovery Support Office at Ukraine’s Ministry of Culture and Information Policy

Ukraine and Norway will strengthen cooperation in the fields of culture and media

Film Industry Office: An event from the EU’s “Creative Europe” program took place during the 15th Odesa International Film Festival

The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy has prepared Ukraine’s Fifth Periodic Report on Implementation of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages

Efforts are underway to systematically improve legislation regarding the protection of cultural heritage

“Ukraine in Miniature”: an exhibition of 3D models of the most famous Ukrainian architectural monuments opened in Latvia

Within the framework of the EU’s “Creative Europe” Program, a special competition for Ukraine will take place, with a budget of 5 million euros

In Kyiv, the All-Ukrainian Forum “Culture During War: Human Capital” has begun

As of today, the official negotiation process for Ukraine’s accession to the EU has begun

The USA allocates funds for urgent printing of children’s books in Ukraine, – Volodymyr Zelenskyy