
  • Destruction of cultural infrastructure
  • Events
  • Save Ukrainian culture
  • Події
Areas of activity
  • Art
  • Art education
  • Creative industries
  • Cultural heritage
  • Information policy and security
  • International cooperation
  • Libraries and book publishing
  • Religion and national minorities
  • State language policy
  • Strategic planning

The USA and Ukraine will strengthen cooperation for the preservation of Ukrainian cultural heritage

The International Forum on Safety of Cultural Heritage “WAR IN UKRAINE: THE BATTLE FOR CULTURE” has been launched

Oleksandr Tkachenko: Ukrainian cultural heritage, as a part of European culture, needs enhanced protection by the EU

Oleksandr Tkachenko: Ukrainian cultural heritage, as a part of European culture, needs enhanced protection by the EU

The occupiers damaged the Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi Estate Museum – the institution is collecting funds for restoration

The “Historic Center of the Port City of Odesa” was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage in Danger List

Open Letter regarding the draft decision of the 18th Extraordinary session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee in the context of the consideration of the nomination “Historic Center of the Port City of Odesa”, submitted by Ukraine for the inscription on the List of World Heritage in Danger

Korolenko Chernihiv Regional Universal Library currently needs funds for reconstruction after russian shelling

Korolenko Chernihiv Regional Universal Library currently needs funds for reconstruction after russian shelling

Because of russian aggression, 1189 objects of cultural infrastructure were damaged in Ukraine

Because of russian aggression, 1189 objects of cultural infrastructure were damaged in Ukraine

Bulgaria plans to send a special commission to Ukraine to assess the destruction and protection of cultural heritage

Bulgaria plans to send a special commission to Ukraine to assess the destruction and protection of cultural heritage