
  • Destruction of cultural infrastructure
  • Events
  • Save Ukrainian culture
  • Події
Areas of activity
  • Art
  • Art education
  • Creative industries
  • Cultural heritage
  • Information policy and security
  • International cooperation
  • Libraries and book publishing
  • Religion and national minorities
  • State language policy
  • Strategic planning

The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy is launching a new website

The Veryovka Ukrainian Folk Choir will celebrate its 80th anniversary with a concert in Kyiv and embark on an international charitable tour

Taras Shevchenko participated in the meeting of the OSCE Human Dimension Committee on the protection of journalists

Taras Shevchenko discussed media literacy and information security issues with representatives of UNESCO

“Trident of the Motherland” – the historical project of MCIP: the Ukrainian coat of arms will appear on the shield of the Motherland Monument

Joint Declaration of Ministers: Strengthening the Protection and Restoration of Ukraine’s Cultural Heritage in the Context of International Cooperation

Taras Shevchenko participated in a meeting of the Creative Europe program committee to support cultural development and European integration of Ukraine

Cultural cooperation between Ukraine and Lithuania: joint efforts to strengthen cultural heritage and information security

Kateryna Chuyeva discussed current issues regarding the preservation of Ukraine’s cultural heritage with representatives of UNESCO

Oleksandr Tkachenko’s meeting with the Minister of Culture and Sport of Spain: cooperation, protection of cultural heritage, and the development of mechanisms to counter illicit trafficking of Ukraine’s cultural values

Digitalization and heritage preservation: Oleksandr Tkachenko discussed enhanced cooperation with the Vice-President of the European Commission, Margaritis Schinas

Ukraine and France will continue cooperation in the cultural sphere