The director of the film «Russians at War» has been included in the list of individuals threatening Ukraine’s national security

The Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications of Ukraine has added Russian-Canadian director Anastasia Trofimova to the list of individuals posing a threat to Ukraine’s national security. A former employee of the propaganda channel «Russia Today», she was included in this list, notably for her documentary film «Russians at War», which she directed.

Despite the film being screened at the Venice Film Festival, its showing at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) was restricted. After the first screening, the film was pulled from the program due to security concerns following outrage from the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, as well as Ukrainian and foreign officials. The film spreads Russian propaganda and demonstrates an unacceptable stance of neutrality towards Russia’s war against Ukraine. This propaganda piece fails to adequately address the atrocities committed by Russia during the invasion and does not acknowledge them.

The film also promotes the idea that this war is a «conflict between two brotherly nations» and that Russians are supposedly victims just like Ukrainians, which is unacceptable given the real events taking place in Ukraine. Any such product that distorts reality or absolves the aggressor of responsibility is a threat to all who fight for their freedom and dignity.

«The Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications of Ukraine opposes any attempts to use art as a tool of Russian propaganda. Cases like Trofimova’s activity are part of a broader information war waged by the Russian Federation, trying to justify its aggression through culture and media. We counter the promotion of false narratives and manipulations that seek to replace the truth and absolve the aggressor of responsibility. Ukraine consistently works to ensure that Russian propaganda cannot penetrate cultural platforms, both domestically and internationally, while defending the truth about the war and freedom», commented Minister of Culture and Strategic Communications Mykola Tochytskyi.

Anastasia Trofimova became the 233rd individual on the list of persons posing a threat to Ukraine’s national security, as published on the Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications of Ukraine’s website.

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