The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy has prepared Ukraine’s Fifth Periodic Report on Implementation of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages

The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine has prepared the Fifth Periodic Report on Ukraine’s Implementation of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages for the period 2019 to early 2024.

Ukraine submits a report on the policies it implements under the Charter to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe. This is our obligation to the Council of Europe.

The document is based on information received from central executive authorities, regional state administrations, and organizations of national minorities.

Russian aggression has led to the destruction of many schools and cultural institutions in regions where national minorities reside. This complicates the protection of their linguistic rights. However, Ukraine is doing everything possible to create conditions for the development of the languages and cultures of the 13 national minorities living on its territory.

The report covers issues related to:

– Legislative protection of the linguistic rights of national minorities;

– Education in the languages of national minorities;

– Use of national minority languages in the media;

– Cultural rights of national minorities;

– Impact of military actions on the linguistic rights of national minorities.

The Report is available in both Ukrainian and English.

In particular, the Report addresses:

– The adoption of a series of laws and regulations aimed at protecting the linguistic rights of national minorities;

– The operation of schools teaching in the languages of national minorities;

– The expansion of broadcasting in the languages of national minorities on television and radio;

– The support of cultural events in the languages of national minorities.

Ukraine’s Fifth Periodic Report on Implementation of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages focuses on Ukraine’s commitment to European values and its efforts to ensure the linguistic rights of all its citizens.

It is worth noting that the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages was signed by Ukraine on May 2, 1996, and ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on May 15, 2003.

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