In particular, it was agreed at the meeting of the Minister of Information Policy of Ukraine Yurii Stets with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Australia to Ukraine Doug Trappett.
“We set ourselves the task – to support freedom of speech. For us, the best counter-propaganda is truth. However, to deliver truth to the world we need the support of foreign countries. Ukraine already has a state foreign broadcasting television channel with the full content and necessary technical support. In today’s environment, with a meager budget, it is extremely difficult to appear on cable networks of the world. Therefore, I ask you to help us with contacts and, thus, give access to cable networks in Australia. For my part, I promise to do everything possible to us to be seen and heard in Australia as soon as possible” – appealed to the diplomats Yurii Stets.
The Minister also described MIP “Open government” program, according to which briefings and press conference on results of the tasks in the field of information policy are held weekly, and stressed: “We are accountable for every penny spent from the state budget. The Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine does not use government cars and drivers. Management use their own funds on programs that help to convey information to the temporarily occupied territory”.
His Excellency Ambassador noted the high level of freedom of speech in Ukraine and breadth of comments, expressed gratitude to the Minister for the invitation, as he is also interested in cooperation.
Note that for the purpose of the introduction of the country’s foreign broadcasting in cable networks of the world, the Minister of Information Policy of Ukraine holds regular meetings with diplomats of foreign countries.