Today, 17 March, in the village Chonhar of Kherson oblast, with the participation of the Minister of information policy of Ukraine Yurii Stets, a telecommunications tower, built to organize Ukrainian broadcasting to the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea was officially opened.
The event was also attended by the Minister of temporarily occupied territories and IDPs Vadym Chernysh; MP of Ukraine, the Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Refat Chubarov; the Chairman of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine Yurii Artemenko; Member of the National Council Serhii Kostynskyi, the Chairman of Kherson Regional State Administration Andriy Hordeev.
Yurii Stets said: “After the digital television contest, the height of the tower on Chonhar will be increased to 200 meters. Also this year, the height of the tower in Chaplynka will be increased from 92 to 110 meters”. The possibility of building another tower on the border with the Crimea is also being considered. “It is planned that the number of radio stations, that broadcast to Crimea will be doubled during the year”.

The Chairman of the National Council Yurii Artemenko reported, that during next few weeks, the regulator will get a calculated digital frequency from the Ukrainian State Centre of Radio Frequencies, and during next month “a competition for the Chonhar multiplex will be announced”.
According to the results of the competition, from 4 to 6 Ukrainian television and radio companies will be broadcasting to the Crimea on a permanent basis. Completion of all works on Chonhar tower allowed to run a testing digital broadcast for a performance review of the coverage on Crimean territory today.
Note, that now 6 Ukrainian television and radio companies broadcast on the peninsula. Also, a radio “Krym.Realii” commenced its activity in test mode at the frequency 105.9 MHz with an output transmitter power of 5 kW. It will begin work in full power in May. At the moment, Chonhar already broadcasts programs of “Ukrainian radio” – 100.7 MHz, radio “Meydan” – 101.4 MHz, “Kherson FM” – 107.8 MHz.

Recall, that broadcasting development in the ATO zone and Kherson oblast takes place within the framework of the Commission on ensuring stable operation of national television and radio broadcasting system under Ministry of information policy of Ukraine. 21 October 2016 the new composition of the Commission on the broadcasting renewal has been approved. The co-chairs of the Commission became: Yurii Stets, the Minister of information policy of Ukraine; Vadym Chernysh, the Minister of temporarily occupied territories and IDPs; Yurii Artemenko, the Chairman of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine.