12 July, the Ministry of information policy of Ukraine presented the “Crimea. The resistance” docudrama movie, dedicated to the occupation of Crimea in February 2014.
In the words of author and co-author of the screenplay, the First Deputy Minister of information policy, the film is intended primarily for a foreign audience. “The film’s protagonist is a real researcher who studies the history of the Crimean Tatars. We can see the Crimea in 2014 through his eyes. This 25 minutes not only about facts but also about feelings related the two years of the occupation of the Crimea. Not all and not all the characters we can see here. This film is about the protection of Ukraine in the Crimea, about the Crimean Tatars and the Ukrainian peninsula, which now become the main target for the invader, but continue the resistance, who are in prisons, who are free, who are in the occupied Crimea and who are on the mainland”, – noted Emine Dzhaparova.
The President Petro Poroshenko emphasized the necessity of amending Article X of the Constitution of Ukraine concerning the status of Crimea and Sevastopol. “We have to give to the Crimean Tatars right to self-determination within a unified Ukrainian state. This is what we owe to the Crimean Tatars. The Ukrainian government should do this at least 20 years ago. And now the situation would be completely different”, – assured the head of state.
Minister Yurii Stets said that this film is not only the history of modern Ukraine, a tragic story, but the pain of all Ukrainians and acute pain of the indigenous people. The Minister expressed hope that the film will cause many to feel that it is impossible to gloss over the crimes of Russia against Ukraine.
“Through this film, we can measure certain steps towards returning of the Crimea. The whole world will once again feel the pain of people who live in the Crimea, and their attempts to return to their country”, – said the Chairman of the Majlis of the Crimean Tatar people Refat Chubarov.
He also noted that the issue of returning Crimea is gaining the attention of the international community, and told of the latest decision of the OSCE parliamentary Assembly and the Warsaw Summit of NATO, which clearly stated the illegality of the occupation of Crimea by the Russian Federation and the need to return the Crimea back to Ukraine. Singer Jamala, the winner of the song contest “Eurovision -2016”, thanked the filmmakers and the audience for concern.
“We deserve a miracle and happiness. Crimea was, is and will be Ukrainian”, – she said.
The screening of the film was held at the cinema “Ukraine” with participation of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, the Minister of information policy of Ukraine Yurii Stets, the leader of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Dzhemilev, the Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatars Refat Chubarov, the Ministers of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, people’s deputies of Ukraine, the Crimean community, members of the national Council of Ukraine, experts, media representatives, military and other representatives of the Central executive bodies, the authorities and other honored guests.
The presentation was attended, in particular, by singer Jamala.
Synopsis: The docudrama film tells about the occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea by Russian troops in February 2014. The film’s protagonist, a foreign researcher James (Austin Cerrone), who came to the peninsula as soon as he heard about the presence of unidentified “green men” to explore what is happening in the Crimea. Here in February and March 2014, he witnesses the appearance of “unmarked” Russian troops and illegal “referendum” on the status of Crimea. The research of the scientist prompts him to investigate the events of 2014 and the consequences of the capture of the Crimea.
Watch the film…