MCIP, Depositphotos and META HISTORY present unique NFTs that will help in the restoration of cultural sites

Depositphotos, an international content platform, in partnership with META HISTORY museum and the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, is introducing The Revival Project with the goal to collect funds, help recover destroyed cultural sites, and return millions a feeling of home. 

Since February 24, 2022, over 460 cases of russian war crimes against the cultural heritage of Ukraine have been recorded; this number grows by the day. To help preserve and recover Ukraine’s culture, Depositphotos collaborated with seven independent Ukrainian artists to create 38 unique charitable NFTs. 

To create these artistic concepts, they had to rethink their own experiences, memories, and fantasies. They shared their vision of destroyed cultural sites in the future, as well as the meanings they put into the recovery of these places.

Artists developed reconstruction concepts of the Donetsk Academic Regional Drama Theater in Mariupol, Central House of Culture in Irpin, Regional State Administration in Mykolaiv, and many others. 20+ destroyed buildings that have exceptional cultural value and significant importance to the entire nation are showcased in the project. Moreover, every artist has a special connection with these cultural sites, making their works deeply personal.

Artworks are available for multiple purchases on META HISTORY museum. Access to each of the six thematic series from the NFT collection will be provided gradually. All funds raised will be transferred to the crypto wallet of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine.

For the past six months of war in Ukraine, russians have destroyed hundreds of our museums, theaters, and cultural centers. Ukraine’s culture and national heritage has seen almost 6 billion euros in damage, and as to the actions and intentions of the russian federation, this amount will only increase. That is why today, it is important to support modern initiatives and creative projects to restore Ukraine’s unique cultural heritage, involving as many interested people as possible in the process,” said Oleksandr Tkachenko, Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine.

To share personal stories behind these sites, Depositphotos also interviewed twelve creatives – artists, designers, photographers, and content creators who were born and raised in different Ukrainian cities, have unique memories of destroyed cultural sites, and have contributed to Ukrainian culture before and during the war.

This project is significant for Depositphotos as our team consists of many Ukrainians. We’ve been standing for Ukraine since the beginning of the war, and we would like to make our contribution to help Ukraine. The grueling and brutal war continues, but today, we already have to think about tomorrow – how to restore and preserve cultural heritage for future generations – for Ukrainians and for people from all over the world who are not indifferent to the historical value of these places. Our goal is to join efforts with artists and our creative community to recover destroyed cultural sites and return millions a feeling of home. In this project, we invite you to explore the before and afters of Ukraine’s heritage, personal stories from the local creative community, and contribute to the country’s future by purchasing thematic NFT artworks” said Alina Volchek, Marketing Director at VistaCreate and Depositphotos.

Depositphotos is an international content platform with a library of over 230 million stock photos, videos, vectors, and audio tracks. Depositphotos consist of a community of 100,000 authors, whose works help clients from 192 countries to visualize their ideas. The company has headquarters in New York and offices in Kyiv, Milan and Limassol.

META HISTORY – the largest Ukrainian charity NFT-project, supported by the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine. It that was created one month after russia’s full-scale invasion and, as of today, has already raised more than $1.3 million for Sergiy Prytula Charity Foundation and crypto fund Aid For Ukraine, which was initiated by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, along with the Ukrainian-based crypto platform KUNA and blockchain-company Everstake. The museum raises money by selling NFT collections called Warline, Avatars for Ukraine and NFTs of the Eurovision Song Contest Cup.

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