The government has simplified the conditions for foreign journalists to stay in Ukraine

The government has simplified the conditions for foreign journalists to stay in Ukraine. In fact, the Cabinet of Ministers lifted the restrictions on journalists, which provided possibilities for foreigners to stay in Ukraine for only 90 days, and allowed them to stay until the end of martial law without a temporary residence permit. Such rules are established by the Government for the period of martial law and within 30 days after its abolition or termination.

The MCIP initiated such a decision by the Government to remove bureaucratic obstacles for journalists who tell the world the truth about the war. After all, comprehensive and objective coverage of events in Ukraine is a condition for effective counteraction to russian propaganda, which has reached unprecedented proportions. 

“Russia’s military aggression in Ukraine has shaken the entire civilized world. The interest of foreign media in our country is incredible. We are mostly interested in informing people in all parts of the world about the war crimes of  russian military and political leadership. But the main idea we are following is about recognition of the remarkable courage, bravery and resilience of the Ukrainian people in the fight against the aggressor. Thanks to the objective media and intensified struggle on our information front, we already have a number of decisions in favor of Ukraine on the world stage. Winning the battle on the information front will help us defeat the aggressor, ” said Oleksandr Tkachenko, Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine. 

The Administration of the State Border Guard Service and the State Migration Service will inform the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine about the accredited media representatives. 

It should be reminded that according to Part 11 of Article 4 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons”, foreigners and stateless persons who arrived in Ukraine to work as a correspondent or representative of foreign media and received a temporary residence permit are considered on legal grounds to be on the territory of Ukraine for the period of work in Ukraine. 

In addition, as a general rule, foreigners and stateless persons who have legally arrived in Ukraine may temporarily stay on its territory: 

  • during the permit issued by the visa within the validity period of the visa in case of entry of stateless persons or foreigners who are citizens of the countries with the visa procedure of entry, unless otherwise specified by international treaties of Ukraine; 
  • not more than 90 days within 180 days in case of entry of foreigners who are citizens of countries with visa-free entry, unless otherwise specified by international treaties of Ukraine; 
  • for the period of validity of the visa, but not more than 90 days within 180 days in case of entry on a visa issued before September 11, 2011. 

Therefore, the government’s decision will help continue to cover the war in Ukraine by foreign journalists. 

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