The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine has opened a multicurrent charitable account to support culture and media in Ukraine

The charitaccount on behalf of the Minister has already been opened by the State agency of Ukraine for arts and Artistic Education. The funds collected in a charity account will be used for protection, evacuation, digitization, protection, and preservation of cultural property, support the activities of cultural and art institutions,creative industries, television, and radio broadcasting, who injured, damaged, or destroyed as a result of hostilities during the armed aggression against Ukraine. 

«During the occupation, it is the culture that is one of the first to be subjected to total raid from the invadersNow russia trying to destroy Ukrainian culture as a phenomenon and replace it with its ownvalues“.  That will not workThe funds accumulated on the charity account will become a reliable springboard for the protection of Ukrainian culture and its blithering revival after the victory over the Russian occupiers,said Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine Oleksandr Tkachenko. 

All information regarding the donation of money to the charity account, as well as reports on its usage will be displayed on the website of the State Agency of Ukraine on Art sand Art Education: 

Russia seeks to deny the very existence of Ukrainian culture and art. Therefore, the priority of funding the arts, protection of cultural heritageand support for artists is not just a requirement of the time, but a necessary condition for our future,” – said the Head of the State Agency on Arts and Art Education Galyna Grygorenko.

To donate in UAH: 

Bank: Oschadbank JSC 

MFI 322669 

Account № UA263226690000025236300755566 

USREOU code 43542231 

Recipient: State Agency of Ukraine on Arts and Art Education 


To donate in USD, EUR, GBP: 


BENEFICIARY’S BANK: Branch # 10026/0143 JSC Oschadbank, Ukraine, Kyiv 

BENEFICIARY State Agency of Ukraine on Arts and Artistic Education 

Ukraine, Kyiv, 01001 

Borysa Grinchenka Str., 1 

IBAN UA263226690000025236300755566 

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